Theatre Program

The Theatre Program at Arts on the Lake both develops productions in house and presents productions developed elsewhere.
Upcoming Theatre Program Productions (See more Coming Events)
Friday, May 2 | Who is Hallie Flangan and why are they saying these things about her. |
Sunday, Jun 1 | Union, the documentary. |
Jun 6 — Jun 7 | High Tor |
Some highlights have been Kent Stories, the Liberty Free Theatre�s production of Vaclav Havel�s Audience and the musical Troll-Loll-La! and regular presentations of Open Mouth � new and revived works in a vaudeville-type performance.
Neighbors and performers who have helped AotL get started include Jenny Allen whose I Got Sick Then I Got Better previewed in Lake Carmel before going to a well-received off-Broadway opening in NYC, Vincent Dowling who enlivened an Irish Open Mouth with Wild on Wilde. Jim Dale whose Jim Dale: Still Carrying On was a Spring Fund-Raiser in 2010 and Jamie Wax�s The Scutley Papers directed by Eleanor Reissa.
AotL�s holiday presentations were inaugurated by the late Leo Burmester as Scrooge in a memorable reading of A Christmas Carol. For three years the Center presented a version of The Nutcracker Tale that mixed puppets, live dancers and spectacular visuals.
The Theatre Program has a relationship with the Bare Bones Theatre Company and the Blue Horse Repertory Company to nurture new plays. Some Blue Horse highlights have been new plays by Paul Coleman, Lora Lee Ecobelli, Stuart Hample and Bob Rogers as well as It Takes Two, a cabaret performance with Nancy Johnston and Doug Coates directed by Peggity Price.
Recent Theatre Program Productions (See more in the Scrapbook)
Sunday, Mar 16 | Open Stage - Putnam County Dance Project |
Sunday, Jan 26 | Train Show End of Run Celebration |
Saturday, Dec 14 | 2024 Holiday Cookie Sale |
Organized in 2010 under the leadership of Mary Schreiber, The Puppet Group produced Canterbury Tales in April 2013 and Robert Burns� Tam O�Shanter in Library Stories in May 2014.
Ralph�s Theatre Company was created in the fall of 2014 as an in-house production company under the direction of James Shearwood and has supported, among others, the productions of De Novo, The Man in the Woman's Shoes and Stand-Up Comedy.