Lake Carmel Arts Center
640 Route 52
Kent Lakes, NY 10512

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Office hours:
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Mon., Wed. & Fri.; other times by appointment.

845 228-AOTL (2685)

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Friday, April 9, 2010 at 7:30 pm

Saturday, April 10, 2010 at 7:30 pm

Sunday, April 11, 2010 at 3:00 pm



A trollific new musical

Folktales come to life with a cast of 18

An original musical based on Norwegian folktales by Tony Howarth and Sheldon Gartner, directed by Howarth with choreography by Bart Cook.

The cast includes Laura Bach, Laura Bellizzi, Jon Barb, Suzanne Bohmer, Katie Luekens Chan Chee, Jess Erick, Ann Gulian, Sean Hopkins, Chippy Irvine, Zulie Lozada, Joe Popson, Fred Rueck, John Schettino and Gus Zucco.
Stage Managers: James Conrad and K. Elson
Associate Director: Michal Salonia

This event is made possible, in part, with public funds from the Artslink Program, combining or using both State and County dollars. In Putnam County the Artslink Program is administered by the Putnam Arts Council.

Troll-Loll-La! in the News

Listen to “The Three of Me” from the musical; composed by Sheldon Gartner

About the Event

Photo gallery courtesy of Zulie Lozada (1-3) and Austin F. Cassidy (4-5).