Advertise in Arts on the Lake’s Program

Dear Business Advertiser:
Arts on the Lake prints a program that is distributed at each event containing both advertising and information about the Center. It has a detailed insert for each evening’s presentation.
Last year our programs were seen by 2,880 admissions to our concerts and plays. Anecdotal evidence tells us people are aware of and support the advertisers in our program. Advertisers are listed as Program Sponsors on our website.
If you would like to join our list of program advertisers, please see the Arts on the Lake Program Advertising Specifications. Our program is usually updated quarterly and ads run for one year from the time of initial printing. Additionally, all program advertisers will have a listing on our website. It can be a link through to your website or your address and phone. Although traffic varies, the website has 2,200 visitors during a typical month.
Advertising in our program is a way of helping your business and AotL at the same time.
For questions, contact the Program Advertising Committee at