Fall Fundraising Party
Saturday, September 17, 2016 at 5:30 pm
Flashback to the '60s
Join us, September 17, for our Annual Fall Fundraiser Party and help celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Arts on the Lake. This year, we hearken back to the '60s remembering the art, the music and the power of change. Enjoy a lovely evening of conversation, dining in the elegant setting of the Sedgewood Boathouse, bidding on interesting and/or rare items in the silent auction, and enjoying the great music. Appropriate dress is encouraged.
We are accepting contributions for the silent auction held during the Fundraiser. If you have something you would like to donate, please contact Roy Volpe at 845-878-4127 with information before Sept 10. (Please note that while we appreciate every offer, limited space may preclude us from accepting all items.)
Doors open at 5:30 for wine, socializing and browsing of auction items. Dinner will be served at 7:30 PM. The Sedgewood Boathouse is located at 1026 Barrett Circle West, Kent NY 10512.
Please purchase tickets in advance (button above) or RSVP to office@artsonthelake.org or (845) 228 2685.