Lake Carmel Arts Center
640 Route 52
Kent Lakes, NY 10512

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Office hours:
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Mon., Wed. & Fri.; other times by appointment.

845 228-AOTL (2685)

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Open Mouth: Fall Edition

Friday, November 6, 2009 at 8:00 pm


Coming soon to Arts on the Lake

Updated Vaudeville

“Herman Goering’s Dagger or The Temptation of Adam,” written and performed by Bob Rogers.
“The Passage of Time” with Robert Hauver, Lora Lee Ecobelli. Director: James Shearwood.
Peter Rossi, Citizen of the Woods.
Emile Menasche, Songwriter, Guitarist.
Alan Devenish, Poet.
“The Spoon River After-Life Support Group,” Lora Lee Ecobelli, Director, Writer. With: Chris Blossy, Suzanne Bohmer, Fausto Di ianne, Kathie Freston, Alicia Morgan, Zulie Lozada.
“Motion Sick,” a film written, directed and edited by Samantha Marine. Cast: Pamela Fila, Andrew Marine, Alan Lapointe and Lora Lee Ecobelli.