Lake Carmel Arts Center
640 Route 52
Kent Lakes, NY 10512

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Office hours:
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Mon., Wed. & Fri.; other times by appointment.

845 228-AOTL (2685)

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Arts on the Lake News Archive

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Life Drawing is Starting Up!

The in person Life Drawing Sessions are starting up again. You can find the listing under the classes. We ask that all those who attend are vaccinated or that masks are worn.

Win $50 Gift Certificate to Kent Lakes Farm Market

     As an incentive to purchase early, everyone who buys a streaming pass to The Miracle of the Danube and Expression of Regret by June 3 will be automatically entered in a raffle to win a $50 gift certificate to the Kent Lakes Farm Market.

     Read about the unique paring of two short plays in which four lives are at stake here.

     Winner will be announced at Talk-Back on Sunday.

Link To Chrisy McCullagh and Erine Sites, Ireland Meets Idaho

Please click here to go to the Arts on the Lake's You Tube Channel and then go to the Live section. 


Stream will start about 7:15 with concert starting at 7:30. Be sure to adjust your volume to your liking.


"Tango Diaries" on the BBC

Speaking of radio, Ron Hutchinson's "Tango Diaries," which premiered at AotL in April 2019, has been recorded in London for the BBC. It is available on BBC Radio 4 - Drama for a limited time (click on the "Tango Diaries" icon to play). Londoner Jos Vantyler who appeared at AotL in "Diaries" as well as in "Looking for Elvis" is part of the radio broadcast, 'though you'll have to look at your online program to realize he's playing an Irishman this time.

Valentine Basket Orders

Don't forget to sign up for the Valentine's Day Basket. Get your order in by Thursday at Noon.

A Cross-Country Welcoming Gift:

The Hallelujah Project propels us into an up New Year.    The Hallelujah Project -- Too Hot To Handel: The Gospel Messiah

Video of the Week:

A new song sent to us from the roof of Electric Lady Studios in NYC:  Bleachers - Chinatown, ft. Bruce Springsteen.

Our Friends at the Irish Arts Center . . .

. . . have let us know their annual gala is December 10. If you remember, this is the group that brought us The Man in the Woman's Shoes. Because it is online, performers and attendees can participate from anywhere. If you'd like an evening with lots of Irish talent, you can follow this link here.

Theatre Program revives holiday events . . .

     In the eclectic tradition of a Scrooge, a Nutcracker and A Brooklyn Carol, we partner this year with the NYC Children's Theater (see middle box at top) to offer stories, a play with yoga and My First Nutcracker, a play for young children online.

     For adults, the new year will unveil a Putnam Partnership of newly discovered 80-year-old radio plays by Pulitzer prize winners on American freedoms worth fighting for.

Kati Mac and Jon Cobert moved to next weekend!

The post election music relief virtual concert of Kati and Jon performing Songs of Revolution, Songs of Peace has been moved to next weekend, Nov 14 at 7 PM. Please donate to this Arts on the Lake fundraiser and watch on our Facebook page.