Lake Carmel Arts Center
640 Route 52
Kent Lakes, NY 10512

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Office hours:
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Mon., Wed. & Fri.; other times by appointment.

845 228-AOTL (2685)

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Arts on the Lake News Archive

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Rob Morsberger tribute film to premiere at Jacob Burns Film Center

A Gesture and a Word, Dave Davidson’s film about Rob Morsberger will premiere at the Jacob Burns Film Center in Pleasantville on Thursday, February 16, at 7:30 pm. Morsberger was a frequent Singer/Songwriter performer at Arts on the Lake before his passing in 2013.

Zumba and Music Jam Cancelled for Tonight

Please note the Zumba Class and Music Jam for tonight 1/23/2017 have been cancelled due to impending weather.

Twelve Bandits Coming Tomorrow

The Bandits led by tenor saxophonist Joey Berkley are playing today, Sunday Nov. 20, at 1 PM. The band features a 5-member horn section along with a full rhythm section and a vocalist.

Press Release: Shearwood and Douglas Join “Bard” Saturday Night

Carmel High School student Lucas Douglas and Theatre Program Director James Shearwood are scheduled to join the annual presentation of “new” Shakespearean scenes in Arts on the Lake’s Bard on the Lake on Saturday, November 19, at 8 pm. Read full press release.

Beowulf Friday Night Rescheduled and Saturday Night Sold Out

The Saturday evening performance of Beowulf is now sold out!Tickets are available for Saturday and Sunday afternoons at 3 pm. Please purchase your tickets, email or call for a reservation as soon as possible. The original Friday evening performance of Beowulf was rescheduled to the Saturday afternoon performance.

Press release: Brecht to Arts on the Lake

The Blue Horse Repertory will bring two of Bertolt Brecht’s short plays to Arts on the Lake, 640 Route 52, Lake Carmel, on Saturday, October 29, at 8pm. Taken from a larger work, the plays “The Informer” and “The Jewish Wife” were written as part of “The Private Life of the Master Race,” which was produced on Broadway in 1944 when Brecht was in the United States in exile from Germany, 1933-1947. Read full press release.

Audition Notice

Hawk Rock Theater based at Arts on the Lake is auditioning for a November 2016 performance of Beowulf. Roles are available for both narrators and puppeteers. The performance will incorporate puppets, masks, actors, visual effects, and live music. The ancient poem, the oldest in the English language, will be presented with both humor and dignity. Auditions will be held on Saturday, August 13, from 10am to 1pm at Arts on the Lake. (All auditions will be given a specific time within this window). Rehearses Sunday mornings 10 -12: Aug 14, Sept 4, 11, 18, 25, Oct 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Nov 1 and 3 (dress), Production dates Nov 4, 5,and 6. No compensation. To schedule an audition on August 13, email

Hawk Rock Theater website

Hawk Rock Theater on Facebook


We are experiencing intermittent trouble with our web site.We are working with the provider to resolve the issue. You may find that you cannot get to pages linked to the front page. If you need information, or would like to make a reservation please call 845 228 2685 or email and we will get back to you asap.

"Arts in Putnam" to be Shown on Comcast

Arts in Putnam, the excellent film by Chris Casaburi which highlights 4 artists and 3 arts organizations in Easter Putnam will be showing this week on Comcast Channel 8 starting Saturday evening June 1. The film includes segments on Alex Shundi and Tim Ouimette from Arts on the Lake. Please tune in and spread the word for people to watch and learn about us.

Golf Outing Coming Up

The annual Arts on the Green fundraiser, is coming this Friday, June 17. Breakfast is served at 8 AM with Tee time at 9:00.