Friends of Classical Music Special Event
Saturday, May 24, 2014 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Sharing dinner and music with Midhat Serbagi
Come share dinner and the music of Midhat Serbagi, violist, who will play a program of Bach to Brahms with surprises in-between. This special evening for Friends of Classical Music members will be hosted by Roy Volpe and Sue Gamache. This is the second event in the 2014 Friends of Classical Music series. There are a limited number of seats available for FCM members to invite friends to this special event.
If you are already a Friend, please let us know you are coming. You may email Friends of Classical Music, or phone Arts on the Lake at 845-228-2685 to let us know you are attending. For those who are not current members, individual tickets for the evening may be purchased for $75. Directions to Roy and Sue's home will be sent upon registration.