Lake Carmel Arts Center
640 Route 52
Kent Lakes, NY 10512

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Office hours:
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Mon., Wed. & Fri.; other times by appointment.

845 228-AOTL (2685)

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Special Event on Sagamore Lake

Saturday, May 14, 2011 at 6:30 pm


Reproduction of a 17th Century Italian organ

Dinner and music with the Lake Sagamore Renaissance and Baroque Ensemble with guest musicians Midhat Serbagi and Ralph Zeitlin at the home of Paul and  Barbara Krieger.  A highlight of the evening will be seeing and hearing some of the Kriegers' beautiful reproduction period instruments. 

Seating is limited, so this event is limited to Friends of Classical Music.  Consider joining the Friends.  Friends' 2011 Membership includes this and three other classical music events.