The Art of the Insane and Children
Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 7:00 pm

Second Session May 8 - An exploration of work outside of the "norm."
The Second session will be on May 8. A recording of the first session is available. Please email if you would like to participate in this excellent series.
The Art of the Insane and Children - An exploration of work outside of the "norm."
Alex Shundi continues his series of Art and Culture lectures with an exploration of the works of those considered outside our cultural norms. These include extremes from those considered insane, and from children who see with very different sensibilities.
"...At the turn of the 20th Century the art of primi-
tive peoples, of the oriental races, of naive and folk
painters, and to a lesser extent, of children and the in-
sane suddenly emerged as artistically viable statements worthy of serious consideration, aesthetic contemplation, and systematic collection as art. "
- John McGregor, "The Discovery of the Art of the Insane"
This is a 6 week lecture series on the Zoom platform. We are now moving these lectures to Wednesday nights per request from previous participants.
Each session is recorded and available for review each week. Links for each session are provided on each of the days of the lectures. If you have any questions please contact Ed Durkee at