A Study of Important Artists and their Work - Part II
Thursday, January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

Alex Shundi continues this series with Part II
NOTE: When registering, pay only once. Choose the first session of the series and just pay for that. You are paying for the entire series of lectures. It is a quirk of our web site system that all sessions are listed for purchase.
Alex Shundi continues his series of Zoom based lectures exploring the lives, work and influence of important artists. Using his own writings on each artist, Shundi explores the amazing diversity of ideas that have been presented by many of the most talented men and woman artists through time.
In this Series, The Study of Important Artists - Part II, Shundi continues his exploration of the lives, work and influence of important artists. Presenting another 22 artists he will follow the same format of mixing images with his lecture, reflections and personal writings on each artists.
Shundi's remarks on the class.
- "The people chosen are relevant to the amazing diversity of ideas that have been presented by many of the most talented men and woman artists through time .
- The writings are of Alex Shundi, and represent a description of the work, personalities and general concepts as seen by an artist who while also being an art historian, writes about a shared process with its intimate participatory points of view in the “imagining and doing” of the artwork, including formal disciplines, gathering of ideas and sources of inspiration, as well as explaining the various “isms” covered, coming from the expressive knowledge gather by participation in the processes."
The series of six lectures are presented on Monday evenings on the ZOOM platform from 7 to 8 PM. They usually tend to run over by approximately 15 minutes and we often add a session to cover more material. They are recorded and the sessions available shortly after each session. Links are provided for the lectures on the day of the session.
Pay only once for the entire 6 week of sessions. Each date of the series will have an ability to pay, but pay only once.You will receive links for each session on the day of the lecture.