Writing in the Time of Covid
Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at 7:00 pm
A Virtual Event: The reading of works from the Lake Writers and other authors.
Arts on the Lake and the Lake Writers invite you join in the virtual event, Writing in the Time of Covid. Presented on the Zoom platform the members of the writers’ group will read both works of their own and of others they have chosen. Many will reflect the intensity of this time period in our lives.
A discussion of the works will follow the approximately 50 min presentation.
Some of the members reading will include: Tom Kersting, Joeseph Lobel, Elizabeth Frischauf, Laura Dewender, and Jeff Ginsburg.
Passages read will include member's works as well as those of Adrienne Rich, Katherine Ann Porter, Toni Morrison, Robert Haden, and William Butler Yeats.
Topic: Writing in the Time of Covid
Time: Jul 22, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Link to join Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 850 3497 9910
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Meeting ID: 850 3497 9910
Passcode: 692386