VAC Spring Art Exhibition
Saturday, May 18, 2019 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Sunday, May 19, 2019 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Saturday, May 25, 2019 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Sunday, May 26, 2019 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Monday, May 27, 2019 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
New Works by Local Artists
The Visual Arts Committee (VAC) of Arts on the Lake is hosting the 2019 Spring Art Exhibition to celebrate new works by local artists. The exhibition encourages artists of all styles and expertise to participate and is open to artists 18 years and older.
The Exhibition runs from May 18 - May 28 with the opening reception on the 18th from 1 - 5 PM. The opening reception for the exhibition provides a unique opportunity to meet the many artists and to enjoy conversation with fellow admirers. There is no charge to attend the exhibition. There will be music and food at the reception.
About the Event
Exhibition May 18th to May 27th.
The Visual Arts Committee (VAC) of AotL is hosting our Spring Exhibition to celebrate local artists and their works. The exhibition encourages artists of all styles and expertise to participate; artists are also encouraged to create collaborative pieces as well. The exhibition is open to artists 18 years and older. We will determine how many works each artist or collaborative team can display by the number of registrations at the time of the deadline.
All visual artists interested in exhibiting need to register and pay their entry fee of $25 with VAC by the deadline. Checks should be made out to "Arts on the Lake".
Send your name, contact information: Email (if you have one), medium, and size of art work(s) along with registration fee to Michael Keropian, 392 Gipsy Trail Rd, Carmel, NY 10512. For questions, call Mike at 845-228-1306 or Roy at 845-878-4127 or
Deadline for registration and fee is Friday, May 10th 2019.
*Once you are registered and your fee received, we will send you the entry card(s) to print out and let you know how many pieces of work can be exhibited.
A 20% commission will be charged on any art works sold during this exhibition.
Artists are also required to have their AotL membership dues paid in full by the registration deadline. So please send membership dues directly to “Arts on the Lake”, 640 Route 52, Kent, NY 10512.
Please note the following dates:
May 10, 2019 - Friday - DEADLINE for registration to exhibit.
May 15, 2019 - Wednesday- Deliver your Art Work to Aotl 6-8 pm.
May 18, 2019 - Saturday - Opening Reception and Exhibition, 1-5 pm.
May 19, 2019 - Sunday - 1-5 pm.
May 25, 26 - Sat / Sunday - Gallery open 1-5 pm.
May 27, 2019 -, Monday - Pick up artwork: From 5 to 6 pm.
All work must be picked up with no early pick-ups