Ukes on the Lake
Meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays at the Center at 7:30 PM

It is impossible to listen to ukulele music without smiling. Not only is it fun, but the basics are pretty easy to learn.
UKES ON THE LAKE meets at the Center on the second and fourth Saturday mornings of each month to play, work on technique, grow as musicians, and make friends.
Experience does not matter. All that matters is a love of making music. First-time visitors are always welcome.
Contact Beth Mullin at for add'l information or if you plan to attend for the first time.
No uke? Try this imaginative solution - six guys on one ukulele. Six Guys Playing One Ukulele
Listen to Jake Shimabukuro playing Bohemian Rapsody at a TED Conference.
A great book to get is “The Daily Ukulele” by Jim Beloff. He has played and taught at Arts on the Lake and is considered to be one of the reasons playing the ukulele has become popular again.